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ACL 2023 Day 0 (part 1)

Attending ACL 2023 in Toronto and will publish my notes here. If somebody is also here, I will be happy to chat in-person.

Complex Reasoning in Natural Language

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Definition: The ability to make a decision based on a chain of presumptions. This is the way how humans think and judge.

Knowledge augmentation for reasoning in language

Knowledge could be:

  • Structured (Wikidata, DBpedia, ConceptNet, ect.)
  • Un/Semi-structured (Wikipedia, wikiHow, arxiv, PubMed, ect.)
  • Parametric knowledge (encoded in the language models) (LAMA, GPT, etc.)

Utilizing language models (LMs) for structured knowledge

Structured knowledge

  1. LMs encodes question + candidates
  2. Graph encoder build a representation for a subgraph
  3. Both text and graph embeddings gets fused
  4. The output gets evaluated.

Un/Semi-structured knowledge

The basic idea: Un/Semi-structured knowledge is split into passages, that could be encoded with LMs. Then these passage vectors could be indexed, evaluated by similarity (e.g., cosine distance), etc.

Parametric knowledge

Structured, Un/Semi-structured knowledge is very accurate, easy to modify, trustworthy, and verifiable, but is incomplete & hard to query!

Parametric knowledge (encoded in the LMs), easy to query, but often hallucinate and make mistakes.

Prompting The solution is to combine positive things from both worlds. Create a prompt, that will contain facts (passages from knowledge bases), and then let a generative model to answer the question.

Knowledge-Augmented PreTraining for Reasoning

  • Knowledge helps complex reasoning. Usually multiple facts and knowledge sources are used for solving problems.

  • The objective of pre-training on augmented knowledge is to make a more diverse outputs and reasoning.

  • There are a plenty of methods and algorithms for pre-training: Pre-training on augmented knowledge

Multilingual LLMs

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Evaluation Methodologies

Evaluation methodologies for multilingual LLMs

  • Zero-Shot Cross Lingual Transfer: Fine-tune model with task specific data in a source language (often English) and test on different target languages directly.
  • Few-Shot Cross Lingual Transfer: Fine-tune model with task specific English data and a few training examples in the target language that we wish to evaluate the mode on.
  • Monolingual fine-tuning: Fine-tune model with task specific data in target language.
  • Translate-train: Fine-tune model with task-specific data in source language translated to target language using MT.
  • Prompting / In-context learning: Not involves fine-tuning, just provide extra context in the prompt (E.g., English: some text, French:) and evaluate the output

CheckList: A task agnostic method to test capabilities of NLP systems

A set of methods for evaluating LLMs on specific behaviors. Inspired by behavioral testing in software engineering.

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