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Deep learning

Highlights of ACL 2024 (Demo papers)

In this post I’ll focus on Demo papers and tools that could be relevant in research and development. GenGO: ACL Paper Explorer with Semantic Features Motivation The researchers aimed to create a ...

Highlights of ACL 2024 (Information extraction)

This post focuses on ACL’2024 papers, that are studying information extraction tasks. Hypergraph based Understanding for Document Semantic Entity Recognition Motivation The researchers aimed to i...

Highlights of ACL 2024 (LLM part 2)

When Phrases Meet Probabilities: Enabling Open Relation Extraction with Cooperating Large Language Models Motivation Existing clustering-based open relation extraction methods use pre-trained lang...

Highlights of ACL 2024 (LLM part 1)

This year, I attended ACL 2024 in Bangkok. In this series of posts, I’ll share my personal highlights from the conference, focusing primarily on papers and ideas with practical applications. Promp...

ACL 2023 Day 2 (Posters)

DarkBERT: A Language Model for the Dark Side of the Internet Motivation Most of pretrained models are trained on the “Surface Web” data, i.e., the content that is readily available and indexed in ...

ACL 2023 Day 1 (Posters, part 2)

DIONYSUS: A Pre-trained Model for Low-Resource Dialogue Summarization Motivation The main challenge of dialogue summarization is to select the most relevant information, that could be spread acro...

ACL 2023 Day 1 (Posters, part 1)

Improving the Robustness of Summarization Systems with Dial Augmentation Motivation A robust summarization system should be able to capture the gist of the document, regardless of the specific word...

ACL 2023 Day 0 (part 2)

Generating Text from Language Models 📝 Slides Definition: Language Model is a probability distribution over strings. Objective of language generators: Steer strings distributions towards text wit...

ACL 2023 Day 0 (part 1)

Attending ACL 2023 in Toronto and will publish my notes here. If somebody is also here, I will be happy to chat in-person. Complex Reasoning in Natural Language 📝 Slides Definition: The ability t...

Принцип работы нейронных сетей

Классическое кодирование информации В компьютерных науках существует множество способов кодирования информации. Такие методы как код Хаффмана позволяют реконструировать исходную информацию после сж...

Слабое обучение с учителем (weakly supervised learning)

Машинное обучение произвело революцию в способах решения сложных задач, от обработки естественного языка до распознавания изображений. Однако одно из основных препятствий, с которыми сталкиваются с...